Hi, my name is
Sagar Chawda.
I build Websites.
I specialize in building and designing web applications. My passion lies at Intersection of UI Design & Development. Feel free to browse through my projects and contact me, will love to hear out.
About Me
Hello! My name is Sagar and I enjoy building and designing web applications. My main focus is to turn the best ideas into excellent products. I believe in blurring the gap between creativity and technology.
Here are the few technologies that I currently work with :
- CSS3
- Javascript (ES6+)
- Reactjs
- Node.js
- Python
- Django
- Canva
Some things I've Built
Featured Project
Food Delivery Web Application
A minimal, dark blue theme for VS Code, Sublime Text, Atom, iTerm, and more. Available on Visual Studio Marketplace, Package Control, Atom Package Manager, and npm.
- ReactJS
- Redux Reducer
- Firebase
Featured Project
Realtime Chatting / Messaging Web Application
A minimal, dark blue theme for VS Code, Sublime Text, Atom, iTerm, and more. Available on Visual Studio Marketplace, Package Control, Atom Package Manager, and npm.
- ReactJS
- Redux Reducer
- Firebase
Get In Touch
Helping people turn their ideas into websites that work, genuinely work. Where low-cost meets professionalism. Always